Progetto Biologico 2010: Prospettive di crescita europea
• Biofach Norimberga 17-20 Febbraio 2010
• Natural and Organic Products Europe Londra 11 e 12 aprile 2010
Progetto Vetrine Internazionali in Italia
• sana bologna 9-12 Se...
For a special which will be broadcast very soon by TG1, a troupe from the Italian Television RAI is recording in Santarcangelo di Romagna ( Rimini ). In the pictures: CON BIO’s production site and the interview with Mr. Paolo Franceschini.
Il Consorzio Bioexport Emilia Romagna, specie nell’ultimo biennio, sta dedicando- oltre alla normale programmazione- un tempo anche per trovare alternative alle consuete manifestazioni fieristiche oggetto delle proprie strategie promo-...
We are working to organize our participation in BIOFACH 2014 Nuremberg - February 12th/15th , 2014 HALL 4-449Come and try our new products Sie werden uns in Nuernberg bei BIOFACH Messe von 12. bis 15. Februar 2014 find...
Promotional schedule - events 2013 Consortium “Bioexport Emilia-Romagna”
- Participation in Sana Bologne.The project includes the participation in the International fair Sana Bologne. We can state that this fair is the most important international mo...
The Consortium Bioexport at the 25th edition of the Bologna SANA 7/10 September 2013.
SANA has always been an important event and an engine of development of the organic sector , a rapidly growing sector both in Italy and in the rest of Europe `s and the...
From 13th to 16th February 2013 BIOFACH in Nuremberg.
Promoting Italian organic top quality food has been the goal of the participation in Biofach 2013, the most important exhibition all over Europe as far as organic is concerned scheduled from 13th to 1...
La Romagnola: Pasta with Liquorice
Consortium BIOEXPORT at SANA (BOLOGNE 8th/11th September 2012)
SANA represents an important appointment and a sort of privileged observatory on the organic sector, a sector which actually is developing very fastly with a percentage of plus 8,9%...
Buone notizie dall’export: il 2011 ha registrato una crescita delle esportazioni pari all’ 11,4%, superiore a quella delle importa...
Mash with amaranth and beetrootMash with black cabbage
The innovative take away range Bio Appetì, recently started at the beginning of 2012 with 2 vegetable mashes and three ethnic recipes at disposal also in the practical lunch box with spoon include...
Riminiand its hinterland are aperfect terroirfor growing verdant olive groves. Our hills are located at the point where thefertile Po valley, theAdriatic Sea and theAppennino mountainsmeet each other.Whenthe sea breezewea...
Le nuove paste al grano “ Senatore Cappelli”
Le nuove paste alla canapa sativa
Biofach 2012 represents the 18th consecutive participation of Consortium Bioexport Emilia-Romagna in the most important international fair as far as the organic sector is concerned. Really a record which joins to the fact that, still nowadays, after 20 ye...
Participation in Alimentaria Barcelona, 26/29 March and follow up Spain/Portugal project 2011
The project includes the participation of Romagna Alimentare in Alimentaria Barcelona, a top event among world food fairs both f...
Sana 2011, at its 23rd edition, confirmed as an international vitrine of the organic and natural sectors in the heart of the Mediterranean project but above all in the heart of our Region where culture, information and professional updating are the basic ...
Promotional activitieswith Swedish and British hotel chains - Scandic and Melia
Promotional schedule events 2012 Consortia for internationalization Romagna Alimentare and Bioexport Emilia-Romagna
Project IBERIAN PENINSULA 2012Participation in Alimentaria Barcelona, 26/29 March and follow up Spain/Portugal project 2011 .
The proje...
27th October 2011Meetings B2B with buyers from Spain and Portugal Project “ Food from Romagna for the Iberian Peninsula”
San Martino new products: Mister Nut bio
Apple organic vinegar AER
Organic wines UVA DEL TUNDE'
New Bakery organic products BIO IN
BIO IN new organic pasta branded
Organic flours Molino Spadoni branded Almaver...